Exceptional Roses in Montreal
Discover the timeless beauty of our red, colorful, and pastel roses in Montreal. As a specialized florist, we offer a selection of premium roses for every occasion, whether to express your love, celebrate a special occasion, or simply brighten your day.
Our Red Roses
Red roses are the ultimate symbol of love and passion. Our carefully selected red roses are guaranteed to convey your most sincere feelings to your loved ones. Offer a bouquet of red roses for an unforgettable declaration of love.
Colorful Roses
For a touch of joy and vibrancy, choose our colorful roses. Available in a range of vibrant hues, our colorful roses are perfect for expressing joy and gratitude on all festive occasions.
Pastel Roses
If you're looking for subtle and delicate elegance, our pastel roses are an exquisite choice. Their soft and romantic shades bring a soothing and charming ambiance to any space, ideal for moments of tenderness and sweetness.
Order Your Roses Today
Choose from our red, colorful, or pastel roses and order today for fast delivery in Montreal. Gift or treat yourself to the timeless beauty of roses, a symbol of sincere feelings and precious moments.
Red rose represents the classic choice to send your wishes of love, but why not send colors roses for beautiful occasions, party, thanking, professional promotion ...
This bouquet of roses can be made in a contemporary clear vase.
Attentive to the quality of its flowers, Pourquoi pas fleurs select minutely the most beautiful varieties of roses.
Flowers Sale leader we can deliver bouquets of roses in Montreal, Laval, Longueuil. Choose the color of roses.
Discover all our attractive roses and choose the size and the color of your bouquet of roses, red, white, yellow, pink ...
Compose your bouquet among the varieties of roses: freedom, Mondiale , Yokohama, cherrio, pink floyd, circus, Esperance, geraldine and many others. Our roses produced in greenhouses on the Andean high plateaus at more than 2 000 meters in height. The Ecuadorian rose became available all year long, it is also of a quality superior to the other roses.
Button is bigger, its longer stalk and its colors are more lively. The rosebushes which grow in Ecuador are not nevertheless different others which develop in France or somewhere else and which derive all of European and Asian wild species. It is the climate which explains the exceptional quality of these roses.
Seen the geographical situation, flowers take advantage of 12 hours of light a day, practically all year long. The temperature difference between day and at night, due to the height, also works in their favor. It reigns at these heights the equivalent of a permanent spring, with 13°C in the morning and 21°C in the afternoon. Optimal conditions roses adore these conditions.
The constant illumination all year gives them more intense colors. And the moderate climate allows them to grow extremely slowly to reach a bigger size. It is necessary to count 90 days between the cutting of an Ecuadorian rose and its reached maturity. In Ecuador, the growers of roses are installed on sides and not far from volcanoes as Cotopaxi or Cayambe. Flowers so take advantage of a very fertile ground because very rich in mineral elements brought by the volcanic eruptions. Added to it that the water falls in abundance and is brought in quantity by certain volcanic glaciers. Ecuador became a paradise for the roses.