Reviews & Ratings florist
GOOGLE 656 reviews "4.8"
TIME OUT "The best florists in Montreal for flower delivery and more 2023"
3 BEST RATED "3 Best Florists in Montreal, QC"
NIGHT LIFE "Ces 13 fleuristes à Montréal font les plus beaux bouquets pour votre Valentin.e!"
SILO57 "7 fleuristes où commander un beau bouquet pour la Saint-Valentin"
NICE LOCAL "rated 4.9"
PASSION MTL "pour faire plaisir a maman"
SILO57 "Saint-Valentin: 10 petites attentions à livrer à ceux que vous aimez"
HUFFIGTON POST "8 fleuristes coup de coeur"
FASHION MAGAZINE "Where to Find the Best Florists in Montreal"
FLOWER DELIVERY REVIEWS "The 16 Best Flower Delivery Options in Montreal"
CULT "Best Florists in Montreal: Best of MTL 2024"