Bouquet of roses - Delivery 12, 18, 24, 30 roses | ROSES
Represents the classic choice to send your wishes of love, but why not send colored roses for beautiful occasions, parties, thanking, professional promotions ... This bouquet of roses can be made in a contemporary clear vase. Attentive to the quality of its flowers, Pourquoi pas fleurs selects meticulously the most beautiful varieties of roses. Flowers Sale leader we can deliver bouquets of roses in Montreal, Laval, Longueuil. Choose the color of roses. Discover all our attractive roses and choose the size and the color of your bouquet of roses, red, white, yellow, pink ... Compose your bouquet among the varieties of roses: freedom, Mondial , Yokohama, Cherrio, Pink floyd, Circus, Esperance, Geraldine and many others roses.
Produced in greenhouses on the Andean high plateaus at more than 2,000 meters in height. The Ecuadorian rose became available all year long, it is also of superior quality to other roses. The bud is bigger, its stem is longer, and its colors are more lively. The rosebushes which grow in Ecuador are not, nevertheless, different from others which develop in France or somewhere else and which derive all of European and Asian wild species. It is the climate which explains the exceptional quality of these roses.
Seen the geographical situation, flowers take advantage of 12 hours of light a day, practically all year long. The temperature difference between day and night, due to the height, also works in their favor. It reigns at these heights the equivalent of a permanent spring, with 13°C in the morning and 21°C in the afternoon. Optimal conditions roses adore these conditions. The constant illumination all year gives them more intense colors. And the moderate climate allows them to grow extremely slowly to reach a bigger size. It is necessary to count 90 days between the cutting of an Ecuadorian rose and its reached maturity. In Ecuador, the growers of roses are installed on sides and not far from volcanoes like Cotopaxi or Cayambe. Flowers take advantage of a very fertile ground because very rich in mineral elements brought by volcanic eruptions. Added to it that water falls in abundance and is brought in quantity by certain volcanic glaciers. Ecuador became a paradise for the roses.
Pourquoi Pas fleurs, delivery roses Montreal, Laval ... We are inspired by the beauty that surrounds us. Art, fashion, and our love for roses and all things floral serve as inspiration for our distinctly luxurious roses bouquets. Roses blooms we incorporate the most luscious foliage in each one of our arrangements. Every bouquet is handmade with love and beautifully packaged ensuring that each arrangement will be the freshest, most innovative gift for loved ones (or yourself!). Each one of our unique arrangements is personally created in one of our Montreal shop by our specialized designer. Our style is elegant design with a contemporary twist.
Buy your next red roses or color roses bouquet just here in our shop online.
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