1. Put the flowers into the water as quickly as possible:

When you receive your bouquet, do not leave it on a counter or other place if they do not have aquatube water reserves. If  stems have water reserves (exemple roses) at the bottom of the stems, it is best to put the bouquet vertically rather than lying down. The aquatubes will be more effective and will keep their water longer without damage.

2. Take an adjusted vase, proportionate to the size of the bouquet about 1/3 of the height of the bouquet:

Before detaching the rope that attaches your bouquet check If your vase is not too big, otherwise the bouquet will tend to lean and the effect will be less interesting. On the other hand, if the vase is too small, the weight of the bouquet can be poured.

3. Make sure your vase is clean:

If not, wash it with warm water and a mild soap. Rinse well before putting your flowers on it.

4. Fill your vase with lukewarm water until your flowers are attached:

Too hot water speeds up the aging of your flowers while too cold water will shock your flowers. Fresh water is reserved for spring flowers such as tulips.

5. A clean vase every day:

For your flowers to last longer, clean your vase, change the water and cut the stems about 1 centimeter every day.

6. Cut flowers do not like heat:

Avoid sources of heat such as: heaters, sun, halogen lamps (above kitchen table for example), fireplaces, etc.

7. Cut flowers do not like the cold:

Do not leave flowers in your car in winter or any other cold place. Below 6 degrees, the flowers will freeze and will not be presentable!

8. Their beauty:

Keep in mind that they are cut flowers and they are ephemeral. It's part of their beauty! By following these simple and effective steps,  now you have all tips that you need for caring your bouquets. It only remains for you to fully appreciate them!

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